👋 Welcome! What we do Consulting Technology Firefighting 🌟 Say hello! Return To Top

👋 Welcome!

We specialized on the complex layers of “things connected to the internet”. When developing something new, we go from the initial idea to the day-to-day operations of your system - but often we’re pulled in if things are already off the tracks and take over the role of the troubleshooters.

Every machine is a smoke machine if you operate it incorrectly enough. — Source unknown

Yes, we’ve seen things… If you need help or just someone to brainstorm a fancy idea with you, please read on!

🤷‍ What do we do?

Our offerings are diverse - and the focus changes based on our customer’s needs. Need a short chat, sure! Need a deeper dive into a project - of course!

But to give you some ideas where our strenghts are, here are some major areas around which we regularly get up to speed:

🕵 Consulting Services

Thinking things through well seems costly - but changing a concept later in the process is not cheaper. We help with developing a concept together with you.

If your idea needs some validation, we’re up to scope the Minimal Viable Product (MVP) together or verify an idea with some prototyping.

But we also review existing systems to provide an opinionated feedback - or provide a second opinion about a concept you might have.

🧑‍💻 Development & Operations

As our Name already contains both “Ops” and “Dev”, it’s clear that this is one of our main powers:

Development of internet based systems - and providing the Operations to make sure you get the most out of the solution. We always try to maximize your return on invest by planning and building digital systems that are long-living and maintainable.

We’re fluent with the inner workings of the Internet. From routing over base protocols like DNS, NTP and SMTP to operating Webservers, handling TLS certificates, Monitoring, Spam-Filtering, … The topics are broad.

🧯 Firefighting

Some things are not planned. Some problems occur at the worst moment in time. And sometimes you just need someone else to rubberduck and talk about an issue. We’re here to help in exact such situations!